Dr. Peter Utz, video consultant

Dr. Peter Utz
12 Valley Road
Stanhope, NJ 07874

Phone: 973-347-8039
E-mail: peterutz@att.net

EDUCATION: ED.D. 1970 in Audiovisual Technology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
B.S. in 1967 in Physics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.

SPECIALIZATION: Instructional television

EMPLOYMENT: 1971-1979: TV PRODUCER/DIRECTOR, Kingsborough Community College of the City University of NY. Created self-paced learning programs using single-concept videotapes as the primary instructional mode. Produced and directed over 500 teleproductions, some sold to other colleges, one broadcast on commercial and public television. Designed and operated medium size TV studio, training and supervising crew of six. Later became COORDINATOR OF MEDIA SERVICES managing acquisition and distribution of audiovisual equipment and software.

1979-1996: MEDIA DIRECTOR, County College of Morris, Randolph, NJ. Supervised staff of 8, providing full-service audiovisual and TV support to campus of 10,000 students. Designed and installed $1.6 million facility with conference center, three audio studios, and two TV studios with signal distribution to over 100 classrooms. Introduced new technologies such as telecourses, satellite teleconferencing, interactive television instruction via fibre optics, interactive videodisc production, and computer video editing. Also was adjunct TV INSTRUCTOR.

1996-present: WRITER and VIDEO CONSULTANT. Consulted for Sony, Panasonic, JVC, and numerous businesses, colleges and cable companies.

PUBLICATIONS: Over 290 articles in over 30 journals such as AV Video, Camcorder, Computer Video, Popular Photography, plus the television entry in the Grolier Encyclopedia. With Prentice Hall, published 9 books, including three editions of VIDEO USER'S HANDBOOK, a 500-page industrial television text; COMPLETE HOME VIDEO BOOK, a 560-page home video manual; one Spanish and four English editions of TODAY'S VIDEO: EQUIPMENT, SETUP, AND PRODUCTION, a 550 page professional handbook; MAKING GREAT VIDEO and CREATE EXCELLENT VIDEO, two 450-page camcorder user's manuals; one 140-page Radio Shack book, RECORDING GREAT AUDIO, and one 263 page textbook, INTRODUCTION TO AUDIO, published by A-R Editions.

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